Most women do not talk about money on account of lack of confidence in their knowledge of finance.. “Analysis by Fidelity of more than 12 million investors shows that women actually demonstrated stronger saving rates than their male counterparts and enjoyed better long-term investment performance when they did engage.”
By talking about money we can encourage one another to safely manage our savings, invest in our future, increase our earning potential and become financially confident and independent. I never used to be one to talk about finances with anyone until I met my group of girlfriends through my job.
Why are you so silent on the subject of your finances? Money, on the face of it, is not that complicated. It’s a concrete thing. Its value is knowable.
A ₹2000 note, for instance, says “Hi, I’m worth ₹2000. What best you can do with this ₹2000 is the decision that will make you confident, independent and wealthy.
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